Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This just about sums it up...


Max's Dad said...

Come on Kev, everybody knows marriage is defined as between a grown man and 8 teenage girls (LDS), a man with a purchased annullment and his girlfriend (Catholics), a drunk and another drunk in Vegas (Protestants) a 6 year old girl and her buyer (Muslim) , two people who've never met each other (Hindu) but never ever two men or two women in love. Religion is the devil!

Project Christopher said...

I had never heard of this man until you sent the video. I like him and am impressed. hope he'll keep it up!

Transitiongirl2008 said...

Ellen showed this on her episode today, or parts of it. He had great insight during the election, and sort of played the "Tim Russert" role for me. But I agree with him whole heartedly. I have friends who got married in San Fran a few years back, and even then they were told they'd probably have to "re-do" their civil union after 2008. Wrong, just WRONG! California has reverted back oh... 40 years?